• Metal Plaque in front of a plant Blue Fescue

    Blue Fescue

    Section: 6 Quantity: 11 Letter: EE Donation: $290
    Blue Fescue is an ornamental grass with a blue foliage that will set it apart for more conventional green grasses and will certainly catch the eye of anyone passing by on the adjacent walkway. Your gift includes 11 of these soft grass plants.
    Add-on the Purchase of a Plaque:
    These markers are approximately 4”x6” in size and are made of aluminum which can stand up to the weather. The marker is black with a raised dual silver border to highlight your text.
  • Metal Plaque in front of a plant Boulder

    Boulder – QQ

    Add-on the Purchase of a Plaque:
    These markers are approximately 4”x6” in size and are made of aluminum which can stand up to the weather. The marker is black with a raised dual silver border to highlight your text.
  • Metal Plaque in front of a plant Frost Proof Gardenia

    Frost Proof Gardenia

    Section: 6 Quantity: 7 Letter: BB Donation: $845
    A luxurious and rich boundary plant, the Frost Proof Gardenia is a flowering evergreen that produces large, white flowers from spring all through summer and even after the first frost. The flowers measure about two- to three-inches wide while each plant can grow to four feet high and three feet wide. Your gift includes seven of these hardy evergreen plants.
    Add-on the Purchase of a Plaque:
    These markers are approximately 4”x6” in size and are made of aluminum which can stand up to the weather. The marker is black with a raised dual silver border to highlight your text.
  • Metal Plaque in front of a plant Karl Foerster Grass

    Karl Foerster Grass

    Section: 6 Quantity: 18 Letter: CC Donation: $410
    Karl Foerster Feather Reed Grass blooms early, with tall vertical growth and wispy gold or bronze plumes that present a different texture to the garden, even more animated with the slightest breeze. Your gift includes 18 of these tall, feathery plants.
    Add-on the Purchase of a Plaque:
    These markers are approximately 4”x6” in size and are made of aluminum which can stand up to the weather. The marker is black with a raised dual silver border to highlight your text.
  • Metal Plaque in front of a plant Pink Muhly Grass
    Section: 6 Quantity: 12 Letter: O Donation: $465
    Pink Muhly is a native ornamental grass that provides outstanding texture to the garden with extraordinary late-season color, when delicate pink plumes completely envelop the foliage. When mature, this grass plant can grow to 48-inches high and 36-inches wide. Your gift includes 12 of these unusually beautiful plants.
    Add-on the Purchase of a Plaque:
    These markers are approximately 4”x6” in size and are made of aluminum which can stand up to the weather. The marker is black with a raised dual silver border to highlight your text.
  • Metal Plaque in front of a plant Purple Cornflower

    Purple Cornflower

    Section: 6 Quantity: 14 Letter: DD Donation: $410
    The Purple Coneflower, a member of the echinacea family, is an herbaceous perennial that produces large—up to 5 inches—daisy-like purple and white coneflowers with woody crowns throughout the summer. The stiff stems, often two- to four-feet tall, are stacked with ovate to broad, dark green leaves. Your gift includes 14 of these distinctive plants.
    Add-on the Purchase of a Plaque:
    These markers are approximately 4”x6” in size and are made of aluminum which can stand up to the weather. The marker is black with a raised dual silver border to highlight your text.
  • Metal Plaque in front of a plant Sweet Drift Rose
    Section: 6 Quantity: 2 Letter: V Donation: $500
    The Sweet Drift Rose produces beautiful dwarf mounds of double flowers from spring through late fall adding waves of gorgeous color. This low-maintenance small-rose groundcover grows to about 1½ feet and will rebloom again and again ensuring the garden has color all season. Your gift includes seven of these colorful, elegant plants.
    Add-on the Purchase of a Plaque:
    These markers are approximately 4”x6” in size and are made of aluminum which can stand up to the weather. The marker is black with a raised dual silver border to highlight your text.

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